Monday, July 9, 2007

The Previous Tenant

Well, I talked to my landlord about the situation with the previous tenant's mail. Turns out, the previous tenant (from now on known as PT) skipped town. He owes money to my landlord, and considering the number of overdue notices in my mailbox, he owes money to quite a few people. Having these bills and letters in my possession was making me very uneasy.

I went to the post office this afternoon with a large bag full of mail addressed to the PT and explained the situation to the postal worker. He was very understanding and said he'd do his best to make sure that the PT's mail won't be delivered anymore, but he couldn't make any promises.

Hopefully, this will be the last of the barrage of unwanted mail. Although, I wouldn't mind if his magazine subscriptions kept coming!


Anonymous said...

I just stumbled onto your blog. I just starting living in my own apartment too! It's a one bedroom in the middle of no where, haha. It looks like I'm going through similar transition pains you are.

Catherine said...

Dennis, thanks for your comment! Please feel free to share any thoughts you might have.

Thanks. :)