Monday, July 2, 2007

The Mail

You would think that checking your mailbox for the first time, on the day before your lease starts, would prove to be rather fruitless. However, if neither the previous tenant nor the tenant before him stopped their mail, you may find that there is a month's worth of junk mail, free newspapers, bills and tax documents in the mailbox so that it is almost bursting at the seams.

I don't mind the junk mail, the free coupons, and the newspapers so much, but the bills and tax documents I find some what distressing. I feel like they must be important enough to try to get them to the addressee in some way, but at the same time, if he didn't feel the need to file the appropriate paper work to have his mail forwarded, why should I care either? Then there's the possibility that he DID file the paperwork, but the post office is just delivering the mail anyway for the heck of it.

So what to do with all of it? Well, I put it in a bag and I'm going to go to the post office sometime this week and see what they think. If that doesn't get me anywhere, I am going to give it to my landlord and let him deal with it. Hopefully that is close to the proper etiquette for the situation, but I don't think Miss Manners ever wrote on the subject, so we may never know.